Research Mission
I lead the Robot Studio, a multi-disciplinary research lab that designs current and future relationships between robots and us that are inspiring, refined, and magical. We achieve this by building robots that are intentional in their function and aesthetically beautiful.
ROB 340 − HRI
(Winter 2025,University of Michigan)
ROB 498/599 − HRI Design
(Winter 2024,University of Michigan)
Directed Research Group
(2020-2022,University of Washington)
Robotics Colloquium
(Fall 2021,University of Washington)
Social Robotics
(Fall 2016, 2019,IST Technical Institute of Lisbon)
Learning, Motivation, and Emotions
(Spring 2016,ISCTE-IUL)
Organizing HRI 2022 workshop on theory-grounded HRI
Paper accepted at HRI 2022 on robot-induced emotions and creativity
Paper accepted to PLATEAU 2021 on robot programs
Paper accepted to Frontiers on VR as a collaborative robot design tool
Paper accepted to CoRL 2021 on robot nodding behavior
Paper accepted to DIS 2021 on robot metaphors
Systematic review paper accepted at the Journal of Creative Behavior
Open Access
Flex Robot Kit software.